4 Steps to Develop Your Leadership Skills 

by | Leadership Qualities, Leadership Skills

The term leadership typically conjures images of political officials, CEOs, military commanders, or athletes. While it’s true that you need good leadership abilities to excel in those leadership roles, leadership is a valuable and in-demand skill that everyone from any profession, background, and experience level can use for their benefit and the benefit of others. 

In this article, I will talk about 4 ways to develop your leadership skills.

What are leadership skills?

Leadership is not just one skill but a combination of several different skills working together. Leadership is a universal skill that is more connected to people and team-building than it is to the title or position itself.

Personality, initiative, self-awareness, communication abilities, and leadership style are all just as important in the workforce as key skills.

Qualifications may come and go, but soft skills like good communication skills, relationship building, decision making, conflict management, and the ability to lead team members well are consistently required for success and in demand in just about any career as a team leader.

Related: Leadership Skills List

What makes a good leader?

There are many different leadership styles and leadership traits. In order to lead well, successful leaders need effective communication skills, strategic thinking skills, and interpersonal skills are all important leadership skills. Good leaders increase employee engagement, support a positive environment, and help remove obstacles for their team. Making employees feel valued.

Great leadership is contagious, inspiring people to apply positive leadership traits in their own work. It’s possible to become a great leader by learning how to exercise and hone the important skills great leadership requires.

Are leaders born, or are they made? 

Many people have the misconception that you are either born a good leader or not. Effective leadership doesn’t come naturally for most of us.

Luckily, you can learn leadership, and there are several ways you can use to develop, build, and refine your leadership skills. Here are some of the good leadership skills you need. I’ve even put together a good leadership skills list here. 

Discover the leader in you!


Try these techniques to boost your leadership skills: 


1. Strive for excellence.

Part of being a successful leader is your ability to set the bar for yourself and others. The best leaders never stop learning. You can be a good role model by continually seeking professional development and ways to improve yourself, get the leadership skills and management skills you need, and aspire to excellence.

  • A hallmark of leadership is excellence. Work on honing your existing skills and developing new ones. Successful business leaders are always learning. They attend leadership training, read books, apply, and share with others their knowledge.

Related: Become A Leader In 20 Minutes Or Less

2. Focus on your vision and set goals.

Consider what you want to accomplish in different areas of your life. Set goals that will help you to achieve your vision and organizational goals.

  • Set goals where you are able to check-in and measure your performance and progress.
  • Break up larger goals into smaller ones so that you can celebrate your successes and maintain your motivation.
  • Learn to identify and use all of your resources in the pursuit of your goals. When making action plans to reach your goals, always work with the resources you currently have available. Rather than developing cutting-edge strategies and plans based on resources and circumstances that you wish were reality.
  • Be willing to refine your plans and goals based on your progress as well as your dreams.

3. Develop your people management skills.

Leaders are known for their ability to inspire others to work towards a common goal. To be successful at inspiring others, it’s essential to develop your people management skills, team building, and emotional intelligence to drive employee engagement.

  • Learn how to listen. Active listening is a leadership skill that helps to establish a connection, builds relationships and trust, so team members and others are more likely to follow your lead and help you.
  • Help others to be their best. Being a good leader is motivating and inspiring others towards positive change and supporting them in reaching their goals and dreams.
  • Seek input from others when discussing goals and plans to reach your objectives. Don’t be a know it all. Successful leaders give others a stake in the results by seeking their opinion, ideas and involve them in decision making. Your direct reports will be more motivated to help you. But remember, don’t ask unless you plan on following up.

4. Be passionate and maintain a positive attitude.

Most of us take cues from others in social situations, so you can teach others to have a positive attitude, build strong relationships, and be passionate in their work by doing so yourself. Always be a role model for future leaders.

  • Maintaining an upbeat attitude and giving your best effort helps to energize the entire team, so everyone can accomplish more together, regardless of the circumstances.

These tips can help you to hone your leadership skills so that you can achieve your goals and enjoy a more satisfying life.

You can be a great leader!

Taking the time to develop effective leadership skills can greatly increase the amount of success that you experience in all areas of your life. Strong leadership skills are pretty handy skills to have. All it takes is knowing what makes a good one and having the determination to work on your leadership skills.

I’ve shared four steps for you that are sure to get you started on making strides in the right direction. Follow these steps and develop your leadership potential with strong leadership skills. In order to do this successfully, don’t forget that always focus on how you will accomplish your vision by setting goals and involving others along the way. The best leaders have positive attitudes, good communication skills paired with never-ending learning habits – so make sure yours matches theirs!

Related: Leadership Skills List 

Which leadership skills are most important to you?

Communication skills? Strategic thinking? Conflict management? Team building? Relationship building? Active listening? Project Management?

Come learn more about your awesome leadership style and develop the most important leadership skills for being an effective leader. All leadership styles, new leaders, experienced leaders (except bossholes) are welcome.

Join us! Inside The Awesome Leader League, the ultimate collection of leadership skills to make you a better leader.

Lead on!

Rebecca Morgan, PhD, is an award-winning former Disney leader and founder of The Awesome Leader League (T.A.L.L.), the ultimate collection of leadership skills, strategies, tools, and resources to lead the team everyone wants to be on while skyrocketing your career. Without EVER being a soul-sucking “boss-hole.” Join us here.

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